Wednesday, September 23, 2009

After watching these videos, someone in class brought up the fact that they follow the standards of relatively conventional media. This was approached as a problem: If they follow the conventions of old media, how can they be considered new media works? I find this a pretty interesting line of thought. In terms of visual representation, the animation is absolutely beautiful, especially in RYAN, but when it comes to the ideas behind the media, how can one go beyond linear format and create something that more closely resembles the online mentality?

I found a video artist that does almost exactly what I mean:

It's everything. All at once. Banking. Product symbology. Cinema. Flash art. Pornography. It like we're looking into a library of human expression and interaction and information and tracing the artist's trajectory, which is anything but linear.


  1. This video is so cool. I picked up on those Chase bank symbols right away, but I was absolutely entranced in this...the colors,shapes, symbols, movement. I love it!

  2. Agree with Victoria - this is a great find. It's almost overwhelming because of the fact that it's not linear and it follows the human subconscious but I like it a lot. Very different and it feels "new."

  3. Awesome video. Do you have a website that you use to find new video art? I sometimes check out perpetual art machine, tank tv,, and check em out.

  4. My understanding of new media is that it's art that involves the use of a computer in order for it to work. Films and TV shows that are just shown online aren't new media, but films like Ryan are because a computer was used to create it. I agree that the chase video shows an unconventional way of thinking, but so does Ryan. Both of their content is based off of conventional mediums (Ryan- films, documentaries, biographies; Chase video- collages, kaleidoscopes, print ads, comic books) but they execute it in a way that's never been done, and couldn't ever be done without the invention of the computer. To me, that's new media.

  5. Isn't all video limited by the fact that it is linear? The film starts and ends. There is footage in between. Can anything truly be represented so multifaceted and all at once? Perhaps a painting? Maybe the newest media is the oldest.

  6. I also think the video you posted is great. I like media like this because it's an experience on so many different levels. It conveys ideas and concepts that can't be expressed through more 'linear' media, print or aesthetics alone. It also reminds me of "sonic vision"....a show playing at the hayden planetarium now. It's a visual trip with music and it isn't as multi-dimensional as the video you posted, but it's still cool.

  7. Of course everyone decides to post on this, I can understand why. I was completely overwhelmed by that video. I wanted to hate it, it's the kind of thing that would ordinarily not be able to keep my attention, but for some reason I was hypnotized, and I kept thinking to myself, it's all so true. It all seemed to be so reflective of our culture, specifically our generation. Very cool find.
