Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Paranormal Activity

Ok, so aside from the fact that I really wanna see this movie, I think the consumer based distribution system is brilliant. I don't think this model would work for everything, but to build up hype around a movie and then suggest that potential audience members demand the movie be screened where they live not only ensures that the movie won't be screened to a dead theater, but also implements a certain amount of interactivity. Instead of a lineup of films that's fed to you at the box office whether you like it or not, this model guarantees a list of films that the audience members of any given area want to see.

Coooooooool stuff!


  1. Yes, I totally agree. This is kind of something I always wanted to do, but when I brought it up to one of my film profs way back when, they told me I was being silly. But you know how they are.

  2. I want to see this movie too...I've heard mixed reviews, but I'll watch it one way or another...

  3. Not sure if I wanna see this movie. Although it's sort of like the Blair Witch Project which I just saw again recently, and now, with hindsight, that movie is extremely corny and not scary.

  4. Paranormal Activity did a great job of implementing digital media and guerilla marketing all at once and I am a huge fan (not the movie I have yet to see it) of projects like this because it also prevents against empty theatres and encourages innovative marketing. I don't think this method will work for all forms of media but I am glad the film just got released nationally because it's proof that the method worked (regardless of the content of the film).

  5. In this day and age, this just seems like common sense to me. Why spend time and money appealing to a mass of people who aren't interested. Making your consumers come to you is brilliant whether they are the first to do this or not.

  6. I completely agree with us moving away from spoon-fed media. It's time we start to take back control over what we actually want to see, it's time that media companies work for us, instead of vice versa. Vive la révolution!
