Monday, October 12, 2009

Something Cool

Note: This article is not new, but i think it's pretty interesting.

Reality Sandwich | Meeting in the Dream World: Oneironauticum


Image by Allegra Ricci

***On the last Saturday of the month, Oneironauticum participants enter dream space together. We do this by sharing things that induce vivid dreams – often substances but sometimes practices or sensory triggers.***

I think it's really awesome that the goal is not necessarily to achieve anything but to experience dreamspace collectively. There's a lot to be said about the collective experience and collective existence. There are things we do that we consider private or personal, things that are often characteristic of everyone around us. Most everyone fucks. Everyone shits. Everyone dreams.

And people participate in orgies. Public restrooms are easily accessible. Why not tap into dreams as a unified experience?

Anyway, here are the people who do this regularly. They operate out of San Fransisco. And I think it would be really cool if there was something like this in NYC if anyone would be interested in starting it with me.


  1. I've always been interested in dreams and I love the idea of participating in collective dream experiences, or even just sharing our indivudual dreams with others in order to find common themes or just to attempt interpretation/understanding. I actually tried to join a group like this a couple years ago with the Gallatin club "Gallatin Conciousness" but it seemed to all fall apart once we were given our group members information. So I am all about starting up a new group for this, it's a great idea. I wonder if there might be some kind of technology for understanding dreams, or at least for understanding how we dream through REM cycles. Maybe we could even make something as simple as an online discussion board for sharing dreams and setting up events like you discussed? Just a thought.

  2. I have actually been notorious for "dreaming." Seriously, I can doze out at any point in the day, not listen to shit, and dream. Its really crazy. I'd love to participate in something like what you posted.

  3. I do think the idea of a collective unconscious experience is pretty amazing. And to me its seems like something that I can really only imagine as a sort of group drug experience or something. Im really not sure what else could systematically place every participant in an altered state with they are collectively able to visualize abstract things and ideas as a unified body.

  4. Well, I would have to disagree since my dreams are often stressful, alarming, exhausting and sometimes violent. We just watched a film in class called Until the End of the World where someone figured out how to record dreams but then everyone became obsessed with it... I know that's not really helpful, that's just what this reminded me of
